How to Check Your Name on the NYSC Graduation List 2024

Are you a recent graduate looking forward to serving your fatherland? One of the first steps to take is to ensure your name on the NYSC Graduation List.
This list is an important requirement for participating in the mandatory one-year national service.
What is the NYSC Graduation list?
The NYSC graduation list is completed list of names of graduates that have been cleared by their various institutions and are deemed eligible to register for the NYSC program.
The list is prepared by the institutions where the graduates studied and graduated, it is then uploaded to the NYSC portal for verification so that the NYSC can verify the names and include them on the Senate list.
Note: The graduation list should not be mistaken for the NYSC senate list which is another important prerequisite for the NYSC registration requirements.
Difference Between NYSC Graduation List and Senate List
The key distinctions between NYSC graduation list and Senate list is the graduation list shows the names of graduates of a particular year (set) who sat for the final exams and have been cleared by their departments, Bursary unit and exams and records, while the NYSC Senate List on the other hand is the complete list of graduates who meet the requirements and have been approved by their respective schools to register and participate in the one-year mandatory service.
In a nutshell, the graduation list is the list containing the names of graduates, while the senate list is the most important list which contains the names of all the graduates who have been approved by their institutions and deemed eligible for the NYSC program.
How to Check Name on NYSC Graduation List
Checking your name on the NYSC graduation list is simple and straightforward like ABC, follow the procedures below to check your name on the list:
- Go to the NYSC graduation list portal at
- Select your Batch
- Select your Programme (it can be either College (Monotechnic), HND (Polytechnic), or 1st Degree (University))
- Select your Institution
- Select your Course of Study
- Finally, click on “Extract PCM” button to view the list
Once you click on “Extract PCM”, the graduate list will display on the screen
Pay attention to the column, “Status”. If you have registered for NYSC before, the status will display “Registered” but if you have not registered, the status will display “Yet To Register”.